Transforming Utility Connections: Insights from Future Water Association Developer Services Event

We joined Future Water Association prior to the event, and our first opportunity was to present at this event organised by FWA.

Developer Services is quite a broad-brush heading but it is pivotal to bringing together all the latest technologies and legislations required by housing and residential developers to make connections to the utilities they need, gas, water, electric and emerging heat, and fibre networks.

 Our presentation supported by Ovarro and the Controlpoint software was focused on making connections to existing PE pipe networks using our range of Minimuss Branch Saddles and the positive impacts on cost, delivery timescales and environment and carbon emissions.

We aimed to demonstrate how making and proving quality Electrofusion Branch Saddle joints will ensure the design life of the PE pipes being installed and connected to existing water company assets.

The event was attended by a wide range of people from the water industry, and I believe our message was well received and understood, with endorsements coming from Neal Lambert and David Coxhead from Wolseley who were in the audience.

 Other speakers included:

Shaun Stevens (EPS), Greg Morley (David Wilson Homes) Guy Laister (Water Environment – Enabling nutrient neutrality in wastewater treatment

Lalit Chauhan (Zed Pods) Martin Ballard (Wates Built Environment) – Planning for a more sustainable home – a developer’s perspective

Paul Shaffer (CIWEM) John Hernon (Thames Water) – Building water smart communities.

Adrien Baudrimont (CIRIA) and Cristina Refolo (RLA) – Community environment and water maintenance

The one I took most from was Catherine Fearon & Ryan O’Sullivan from ESP – Exploring collaborative approaches in utility connections and developers, who delved into the world of NAVS (A NAV is a statutory undertaker, approved by Ofwat to operate the last mile onsite supply, and replace the incumbent with the same powers, rights, and obligations) amongst others. 

Some key facts

20% of all new connections are now to a NAV – (currently 80% of all new connections are via GIRS contractors).

Industry estimates 80% of all new connections will be with a NAV in 3-5 years.


I am attending the Future Water Report Card as a Risk Register event on 4th July and will be engaging in the leakage working group.

David Macdonald

Business Development Manager